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                              Practical Psychology

                                      LESSON 4



You may or may not be aware of the word Metaphysical Alchemy, so, for vou to have a better understanding, we then should divide it wora for word:

Metaphysics:- means, the Science which seeks to probe the inner secret, or logic, of thought or being, as the basis of, and prior to that which is merely phenomenal and cognizable by the senses.

Alchemy:- means, chemistry concerned with trying to change base metals.

Metaphysical Alchemy therefore, is a mental chemistry akin to physical, and the science of applied metaphysics.

Any one familiar with philosophy, knows that there is a general consensus of opinion, that man's will is free to choose the highest aspect.

The life wave, which seeks further expression by the coming into contact with the mental attributes of man, is compelled to wait to be invited to enter. That is why evolution seems so slow in the cases of some people; they do not recognise, that outside themselves is this mighty world wave, a veritable realm of massive vibrations, which can only be trapped by a coming into harmony with them.

By opening oneself to their entrance, one takes on new vibrations, and new ranges begin to come within the sphere of one's mentality. The Dynamics of thought, show that the accession of new vibrations always means a fuller use of all forces of the mind. It is by this accession, that the absorption of knowledge becomes possible; the general way is to memorise certain ideas, and to fall back on those ideas, and apply them to anything which seems germane to them. If we brought a mind alert to the fullest extent, intent on the question in hand, senses one pointed, five merged into one, with the massed forces of the mind, the consciousness would absorb the facts like a sponge taking to water.


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The tentacles of the mind would fasten themselves upon the information to be assimilated and make its own in a tenth the amount of time, and a tenth the energy and difficulty. So, to, with memorising, or committing long passages of poetry or prose to memory, the task would become light and a real pleasure. Study ceases to be distasteful and laborious. The student settles to his work, knowing that he will be able to master whatever problems arise in his studies. Sleepless nights, fade into the past, and examinations are entered with confidence, as to the outcome.

An awakened intelligence brought to bear on whatever engages the attention of the mind, is enabled to grapple with and solve problems which have hitherto eluded the grasp. It is in this way that men like Edison, who have shut themselves in from intrusion, have successfully thought perplexities, and made the world the richer for their labours. Gathering up the forces of the mind to a focus, in the silence, few questions remain shrouded in impenetrable mystery to the student.

And in connection with study, the student who wishes to obtain the best results, along the line of acquiring knowledge, should bring the physical into line with the mental, to secure the best results. The mental powers are quickened a hundredfold by the observance of the lines laid down, but by obeying physical laws, Concentration is rendered still more effective. It is well known that whatever part of the body is employed in any particular work, it is supplied with extra blood to enable it to deal with it more efficiently. So the process of digesting demands more blood being sent to the stomach to accomplish it under the most ideal conditions. If, therefore, a man eats a heavy meal, and attempts to apply the instructions for concentrating for any length of time, the forces of the system become divided, and only half the power is given in each case.

In China, for thousands of years, students, preparing for examinations, which impose a severe tax upon the retentive facilities of the mind, on account of having to be learnt by heart, lengthy and tedious passages from the writings of Confucius, Lao-Tze and other Chinese philosophers, are kept without food for lona periods, and shut up in little cubicles until they are proficient. many great men often fast, when engaged in abstruse calculations and scientific problems. Nearly all thinkers and many musicians, in unravelling complex theories and puzzles, have become lost in meditation, and altogether have forgotten the demand of Nature for food.

when therefore, one has a more than usually difficult task, let little food be taken prior to attempting its achievement.


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Concentration is many times used in a destructive manner. Specialists, and medical men in Asylums, are among the classes who have fallen victims to adverse concentration. Throat and Cancer specialists have succumbed to the diseases they have so closely studied. The Pathology of the complaints, has been as familiar to them as measles would be to a mother of a large family. They know every phase, every indication, knew what to expect and when. They worked out in their minds the whole history of the disease, and slowly constructed it externally in their own bodies. There has been many sad instances of the fatal power of a morbid, faulty Concentration, for like everything else in connection with the powers of the mind, Concentration is non­moral; it is power or force, which may be used to promote health or generate disease; it is quite immaterial to it what the outcome is. And so the mind of a morose and morbid tendency gloats and fastens upon some form of self destruction till, following the logical sequence, action succeeds thought. Many a victim of the drink or drug habit, is really under the sway of Concentration and Auto-Suggestion put to the wrong use. Read the weird and gruesome stories of Edgar Allen Poe, and you are almost forced to the conclusion, that the end of such genius could only be what it was.

Fortunately, the number of those that are able to concentrate with the force required, as just been expressed, are few in number, therefore, the student need not hesitate to practice Concentration, for fear he may develop into a monomaniac or some other monstrosity. Concentration, is like a good horse: it is under control and can be relied upon to do only what is expected of it. All mental forces are edged tools, but the possession of them, requires expert knowledge of them, as he evolves them, and so does not injure himself.

Many diseases are caused, and are the direct result of some form of Concentration, conscious or otherwise, weak or strong; it is giving attention to a thing for a shorter or longer period from time to time. When the religious devotee kneeling at the feet of a crucifix, her whole soul going out to the object of adoration and veneration, filled with intense pity and sympathy, dwells upon the wounds of nail prints in the body of Jesus on the cross, she reproduces the stigmata on her own body in the corresponding part by her concentrated attention, and blood will actively flow.

The reason we have so many cases of chronic diseases, is because attention passes from the conscious to the subconscious, which, in turn, reacts upon the ordinary mind, for whatever enters the inner regions of the consciousness must come forth as action and further thought, or tendencies which promote both thought and action. Whatever is given attention to in the mental world, is thereby intensified, and whatever is intensified demands and is supplied with increase force. Thus concentration for even a short time on disease increases its hold upon us. The aim of constructive concentration and will Culture, is to fasten upon those states, which promote healthy thinking, and by healthy thinking, we secure a healthy body.


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No one, should allow their mind to dwell for a moment upon any weakness, or imperfection of any part of their body; instead of this, those physical states of harmony and equilibrium, should be dwelt on to which reference has been made.

Whenever the body feels buoyant, full of vim and energy, Iffitly, turn the feeling to good account. Divert the attention from ordinary commonplace channels, in which the mind spends most of its time. The idle, profitless thoughts, that come and go through the chambers of the mind, in an irresponsible manner will receive no encouragement, no impetus, no supporting force from the real mind, but instead of this, while the idea of being fully alive, in good form,is present, the student should take the opportunity of gathering up a feeling of exhilaration, concentrate all the powers of the mind upon it for a few seconds. Thus centred, he should try to exclude any conceptions of weakness, shortcoming, disease, of any kind. He must shut out utterly from his consciousness all ideas of the existence of illness.

Try to imagine, if you can, that the world in which you live is

one vast garden, bathed in perpetual sunshine, cooled by frequent showers of dew, and tempered by soft zephyrs ( a soft gentle west wind ) , the atmosphere laden with the most exquisite perfume, the music of birds filling the air, and the joyous laughter of children and men, happy and contented in a world when poverty and sorrow were unknown.

Have you not to confess, such a conception of existence could not occupy your mind for more than a fraction of time, to be replaced by the usual view of life in which such an idealised and ethereal picture is only indulged in, if at all, as a contrast to the grim type of living which is today termed reality.?

Now, just as it would be almost impossible to the average man to keep his conception of existence on so high a plane, so, the student will easily understand, that there is quite as much difficulty in conceiving a world in which disease, or ill-health has no place. We have to take cognizzance of this fact, and it is because of this, that we begin to understand something of the task we set for ourselves, when we talk about concentrating on an ideal state, in which illness, is utterly unknown, and foreign to one's ideas. It would be just as easy to imagine an ideal condition, as that depicted above as mankind free from disease.


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It you have read even a few New Psychology books, you know the baleful effect the word 11 fear,, has upon the consciousness, and how through the word alone, a character may be undermined or weakened, or rendered negative and therefore not at its best to bring forth the highest possibilities in one.

The rapidy, or quality, of instantaneousness connected with thought, ( which is so aptly expressed in the phrase 11 a flash of thought, 11 applied similarly in the case of ,a flash of lightning") shows us how quickly a connecting link is made in the mind, which leaps from point to point with even greater velocity than lighting is possible. So "disease,, arouses in the mind, the idea of someone who has been or is now ill, and the possibilities arising from this condition. If a friend is ill, a friend, you have been brought up with since a boy or girl, as hale and hearty as you, why should you not be af f ected in the same way? You laugh at the idea, but the mind has made its connecting link the instant the conception arose, and it is strengthened from time to time by various means, until it penetrates the deeper prints of the mind, and the corroding canker begins its malignant work.

many in England, are aware how Lord Nelson, when a boy, did not know the meaning of fear, and the effect it had on his career in life. Suppose all men could all get the same notion of the word disease; that is, make themselves positive against it. Suppose one did not know what it meant; then, if it meant nothing to us when you heard it, it could form no link with your consciousness. This is not only good psychology, but it is good sense. If a thing is foreign to the mind, it is practically non-existent.

The old story of the Plague, setting out to Bagdad, to kill a specified number of people, will occur to many. On its return, it was accused of having exceeded the number of its victims, 11 Nay," replied the Plague, "It was not I who slew the extra thousands, it was FEAR". This story is always worth bearing in mind, because it happens to be very ancient, and therefore shows that many thousands of years ago, the effect of mental stabs upon the body was well known; further, it illustrates in a graphic manner, the point we are trying to get at, that, keep a thing out of your consciousness; be fearless and positive, by training your mental and life forces to combat it, and it cannot affect you in the slightest.

It is no use trying to delude ourselves, that we could absolutely obliterate the word from our mind, so that we be ignorant of what it meant when we chanced to come across it, thought, a Hindu who, made a life study of the oriental Psychology and Soul Culture, would have no difficulty in doing so. What is meant, is that you should expunge it from your dictionary, in the same way that Napoleon abolished the word "Impossible." In a word, ignore it; encourage the idea, however, that you can annihilate it in time. Every time it is forced upon your attention, turn resolutely from it, and substitute for it that magic word HEALTH. Believe in yourself for health. Concentrate on it, absorb it, drink it up, and think it up into the inner recesses of the mind.


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Many have seen cases of Metaphysical Healing, where the healer, has battled with it for hours, with a consciousness literally steeped in disease, chronic cases of many year's standing. Many have marked the improvement, as Concentration upon perfect health, has been persisted in, how, when the mind of the healer has been withdrawn, the old conditions have returned. This may possibly have happened in your own experience, and if so, I would counsel you by all means, to retain your belief in constructive thought coupled with Concentration and true faith, despite a thousand lapses or more. The inability to 11 demonstrate 11 the truths of New Psychology, Concentration and Mental Discipline is no proof of the falsity of the teaching that I have laid down. If one man out of a million proves it, then it is the truth, and the others may do the same in due time. We all know of instances where truth has triumphed over error, which expressed itself in the physical body in one form or another, extending over some years.

If say, you belong to the invalid class, and had contacted the illness habit, daily picture yourself in absolute physical perfection, concentrating believingly on what you desire. Have True, Intense, Deep and Sincere Faith.

And here is a law, which will be found serviceable to the sickly and victim of negative thought: Every impression is a focussed energy. This means that by concentrating on a definite point, we immediately create an impression, and this impression, becomes a centre of energy for the time being. If, during that moment of Concentration, we 11 will" that vitality or health shall enter that centre of energy, that will actually take place, and in this way, a diseased organ can be built Up. Although one possess no knowledge of physiology or anatomy, one can always strengthen a weak organ, or part of the body, by merely bringing more energy to it, for wherever there is energy, there is an extra blood supply, and this means the addition of new life to the part.

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